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Resolved! How to control STM32H7 QSPI Chip Select?

Hi,I am working on interfacing IS25LP128 128Mbit QSPI Flash with STM32H743 Nucleo board. I am running into problem with how the QSPI controller is driving the NCS line. The flash requires that the chip select remains low between command and data read...

Joyabb by Associate II
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Resolved! CAN interface parameter settings

Hi,I am trying to implement CAN interface in STM32F072RBT6System clock speed - 8MHzBaud rate for CAN - 500KbpsPrescalar - 1CAN peripheral clock speed - 8 MHzso TQ - 16I have set the Time quanta seg1 - 9 Time quanta seg2 - 6 ...

Bs.1 by Associate II
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Data Acquisition of STM32F7 ADC DMA

Hello,On my custom-designed PCB, I use STM32F767 ADC for acquisitIon analog signal input in DMA mode. My method is collecting data that running the code in Keil IDE debug mode and then export the converted digital values in a .txt file with a .ini fu...

AE104 by Senior
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I am using the STM CubeIDE with a Nucleo L476RG dev board. When I first generated a project I was able to download it to the card and debug. then for some reason I started getting an error saying the arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe has stopped working.

I am able to open an example project and debug that without issues. I have tried regenerating my project, generating a new project, and even reinstalling the tool and generating a new project, but I still get the same error on debugging. I can still ...

BCrow.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Exception return value 0xffff fff9 on stack?

When debugging start-up problems, I've found this stack in TrueSTUDIO: According to the Programming Manual, an exception return value of 0xffff fff9 denotes "Return to Thread mode, exception return uses non-floating-point state from MSP and execution...


Why the STM32F0 and STM32F1 Many MCUs out of stock?

Hello there. For some time now, STM32F0 and STM32F1 series many MCUs have been experiencing stock problems.  STM32F030, STM32F042, STM32F072 and STM32F103 series many mcu have stock problems. It seems that there is no stock at suppliers like Digikey,...

FYOL.1 by Associate II
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MATLAB Simulink support packages for ST MCU's

In MATLAB Simulink 2020b Software, I saw that support packages are available for STM32 F4, STM32F746G, STM32F769I; But in this document, "", it is mentioned, the following controller...

VVija.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! What pins are available for GPIO on STM32F429I-DISCO?

My initial thought was that while some pins are connected to other peripherals on the discovery board, that they may still be used for GPIO. Is this true, or can a pin not be used for GPIO if connected to a peripheral, even if that peripheral is not ...

MChap.1 by Associate
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