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STM32L452 DMA + SDIO Overrun Issue

Hi Guys,I'm currently using an STM32L452 device and i'm having some problems with the SDIO when using it with DMA.I have configured DMA and SDIO usign the file generated from STM32Cube tool.When I try to read the SD card without using DMA , everythin...

Jonny by Associate III
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STM32f103C8T6 BluePill external interrupt

Hello, I am beginner and I am trying to write a code without HALL. The goal is switch LED when button press using interrupts. I check the button and the LED separately. Everything works fine. But interrupt code don't want to. What am I doing wrong? U...

IShem.1 by Associate
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Resolved! flashing STM32H743VTIx from linux commandline

It seems to me that st-flash still have not got any support for STM32H7xx devices yetIs there other command line options available that run under Ubuntu? Could be payware even.. I have both stlink/v2 and a segger j-link (EDU version) available but ha...

Zainka by Associate III
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