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Resolved! Encoder code acting strangely on

So I've got some very basic code for a STM32 to read an encoder using timer 1 in encoder mode.This first routine works fine counting up and down as expected, printing CW (Clockwise) while counting up and CCW (Counter Clockwise) while counting down......

Omiks3 by Associate
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how to read values from 24c16 EEPROM IC

Hi, I am new to stm32 I am not getting how to read the values what I write to the 24c16 EEPROM IC .Plz help me how to read the values by generating the read function in stm32 f103.void write_eeprom_reg(uint16_t reg_addr, uint8_t value){ //uint8_t d[...

MS.11 by Associate III
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STM32 MCU stucks after power cut-off

Here is my process :I supply my board with an USB cable.Then I flash my stm32L4 with a segger / st-link.My firmware goes in shutdown mode.I unplug the USB cable. Thus the power is suddently off.After that, I wire a battery to my device. Thus the MCU ...

SimonF by Senior
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Regarding modbus to write negative values.

Hi, i am new to stm32 i need to write negative values (signed integers or float) in my modbus and transmit it to my PC. But i am not able to write negative values it shows some other values if i transmit negative values . can anyone help me w...

Lchal.1 by Associate III
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龙承.1 by Associate
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PWM using Timer with STM32F4

Dear ST,I am coming back to you to configure a PWM peripheral with STM32F429.I am familiar with TI DSP and I have to implement it with ST this time.Could you help me to configure TIMER1 for symmetrical PWM and trigger an interrupt to trig ADC. I ma u...

What is RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO clock signal?

Posted on March 20, 2012 at 06:20Hi. Could You help me to understand somethink. In STM32 like STM32F103c8... there is a clock signal called RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO. When should be turned on this signal, always when I use peripherial, like Timmer, AD, US...

sholojda by Associate III
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STM32G474 LSE oscillator not ready ?

Hi Folks,Greetings !With a Nucleo-G474RE MB1367C, with an onboard 32.768kHz crystal:I am trying to turn ON the LSE oscillator, but the LSE oscillator does not get RDY at all.This is what I tried to do:void SystemClock_Config(void) { LL_FLASH_SetLate...

Slow increasing voltage MCU (STM32H743) reset

Hi team,We are increasing the Input voltage 0.5 Volts/ Minute to Input of PMIC. PMI switches on after the Input voltage reaches 3.7 volts.After PMIC switches on it gives 3.3Volt Output but Controller is not getting reset.If we Power up instantly cont...