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Forum Posts

LED Blinking on STM32 via Register programming problem

Hi, I am trying to learn register programming, so I am trying to write a code for STM32G071rb for blinking LD4 which is connected to Pin PA5 using Registers. But unfortunately not only the LED is not blinking, but also the code stocks in line 43 duri...

SalPaz by Associate II
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STM32H730AB - Assembling Data from Single Bit Inputs

I would like to use the STM32H730AB as the central controller for a wireless sensing device. For this device, the MCU will drive an external 8-bit ADC at 40 MSPS. This ADC generates an output signal across 8 output pins, 1 for each bit of the digital...

SPaul.3 by Associate II
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i would like to know, how to use ADC1 in stm32f103c8t6 - blue pill - in scan multichannel continous mode conversion mode without interrupt..

 that's it.. say i have 4 channels (PA0 , pA1 , PA2 , pA3)..what i need is : in the while(1) loop i put 4 variables, and keep reading the data registers , and because it's in continous mode, so the 4 variables keep updating in the backgroud, how can ...

Iwael.1 by Associate
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STM32 LOw power mode

Hi,I am trying to put my STM32 part in sleep mode.I have attached the code here.As per my understanding to go into sleep mode HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI);API is provided.even though I used below lines, my board...

Bs.1 by Associate II
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Does the STM32F401RB's I2S port drive current?

The STM32F401's VDD is 3.3V.The I2S Codec's VDD is 1.8V.We will add the Level chip(TXB0104) on The device driving the data I/Os of the TXB0104 device must have drive strength of at least ±2 mA.Does the STM32F401RB's I2S port drive current more than 2...