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Forum Posts

How to find the address of the Ble beacon events?

Beacons are advertising some data packets. From that data packet I have to extract the RSSI value. for that I used the following command.rssi = *(uint8_t*) (adv_report_data + le_advertising_event->Advertising_Report[0].Length_Data);It worked well for...

Kryptons by Associate II
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How to request a free sample

Hi, I've been looking to request a free sample for my uni coursework but I'm not sure who I can contact. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks

Why my seat is allocated to another participant?

Hello ,I passed the confirmation e-mail to our purchasing Dept. in order to purchase the board, and they confirmed the purchasing.but I get an e-mail today from st indicating that my seat is re allocated to another participant .What should I do to co...

HAlzo by Senior
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Hall sensor mode in timers

Hi,I want to interface 3-phase DC motor's hall sensor with STM32H74x MCU. I found a timer's hall sensor mode in a document but I don't have any example code to get start with it.Can anyone please provide a reference or pseudo code for it.Thanks in ad...

RJain.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Independent watchdog timer is not accurate

Here is my source code: void CLOCK(void){ RCC_DeInit(); RCC_LSICmd(ENABLE); RCC_HSEConfig(RCC_HSE_ON); while(RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp()==ERROR); FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd(FLASH_PrefetchBuffer_Enable); FLA...

JJohn.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! The signal Produced by DAC has errors

Hello,I am building and electric field sensor. The driver signal for it is produced via DAC of the STM32F767zi microcontroller. The signal is 4 kHz and is generated at a sampling speed of 80 kHz via DMA and TIM6. As you can see from the picture the s...

HBesi.1 by Associate II
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