Hello, is there any MCU belongs to STM32L4 with FMC supporting SDRAM?Thanks!
Hello, is there any MCU belongs to STM32L4 with FMC supporting SDRAM?Thanks!
Here are my codes and I confirmed that the chip went to standby mode, but could not get any sign of waking up.If you have some idea to wake the arduino up, it will be appreciative if you share me.Best regards,bool ActionRtcSleep() { int8_t i; ...
Beacons are advertising some data packets. From that data packet I have to extract the RSSI value. for that I used the following command.rssi = *(uint8_t*) (adv_report_data + le_advertising_event->Advertising_Report[0].Length_Data);It worked well for...
Hi, I've been looking to request a free sample for my uni coursework but I'm not sure who I can contact. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks
Hello ,I passed the confirmation e-mail to our purchasing Dept. in order to purchase the board, and they confirmed the purchasing.but I get an e-mail today from st indicating that my seat is re allocated to another participant .What should I do to co...
Hello,As described in the reference manual of STM32F746, it was found that bidirectional communication using one data line (SDA signal) in the figure can be realized by performing half-duplex communication using the SPI function.Please tell me the s...
Hi,I want to interface 3-phase DC motor's hall sensor with STM32H74x MCU. I found a timer's hall sensor mode in a document but I don't have any example code to get start with it.Can anyone please provide a reference or pseudo code for it.Thanks in ad...
IAR version is 9.10.1, the lib version is 1.5.0 for F0 device. The IAR expose a lot of faults about "core_cm0.h". I do not change anything, just open the project file under "EWARM", then compile.
Here is my source code: void CLOCK(void){ RCC_DeInit(); RCC_LSICmd(ENABLE); RCC_HSEConfig(RCC_HSE_ON); while(RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp()==ERROR); FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd(FLASH_PrefetchBuffer_Enable); FLA...
Hello,I am building and electric field sensor. The driver signal for it is produced via DAC of the STM32F767zi microcontroller. The signal is 4 kHz and is generated at a sampling speed of 80 kHz via DMA and TIM6. As you can see from the picture the s...