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Forum Posts

Hello, I am using a STM32F401RE Nucleo board and trying to get the IIS3DWB accelerometer running. At first everything works, but after powercycling once the device ID oscillates.

All initialisations seem correct on SPI side (at first SPI without interrupt) -> clock polarity high, capture on rising edge(2), SPI clock speed < 10 MHz, At first everythings seems to work properly (stable device ID even by moving the wires etc...)...

GPete.3 by Associate
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[STM32 library] Library improvement

Dear,It's just an idea to improve the STM32 library.In the "system_stm32fxxx.c" files in the CMSIS folder, the vector table offset is defined as follow :#define VECT_TAB_OFFSET 0x00In some product, I use a bottloader, so the vector table is relocate...

YDann.7 by Associate III
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bit timing issue in CANFD

Hi,i have STM32H7 Nucleo board, i'm trying to implement CAN-FD. so i was trying to send some data over CAN-FD to CAN-Analyser. For bit timing calculation i'm using STM32H743I-EVAL example as reference .fdcan_ker_ck - 20Mhz, Time_quantum- 50ns, Propag...

VPras by Associate II
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R/w problems with FMC NAND on STM32H743

Hi,I am trying and failing to work out a stable transmission between STM32H743 and a MT29F64G08CBABBWP-12IT:B TR MLC 64Gbit NAND chip.95%+ of the time transmission works as intended (write -> read -> verify cycle passes) but when it fails, it's rando...

stm32f030c8tx bricked?

I have finally managed to access these chips using a SEGGER.... I have no idea why but STLINKv2 and CUBE programmer won't access the same chips.Anyway, as I've finally gained access I have flashed my chips to test that they were properly functioning....

AHolm.1 by Associate
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ADC Continuous Conversion Mode .

I have a sensor with analog data and I am connecting it to one of the ADC pins (STM32L152). I have no problem to read a single conversion data. However, I would like to one shot capture multiple ADC data (for example, 128) so it will be more consiste...

Khoo.B by Associate III
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