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About Quad SPI communication problem with Serial NAND Flash (Winbond-W25Nxx). Problem with Reading Sequence in quad I/O



I am working on Serial NAND Flash (Winbond W25Nxx) communication with H747 microcontroller. I'm having a problem with the Serial NAND Flash I have. I think this issue is related to QuadSPI structure.

Reading sequence in quad I/O

0693W00000BbvbRQAR.pngSerial NAND Flash command instruction example

0693W00000BbvcZQAR.pngHow can I send dummy data in QuadSPI Structure before Page Address? Has anyone had problems with this issue before? I know I can throw it back-to-back with SPI but I have no idea how to do something with QuadSPI build.


>>How can I send dummy data in QuadSPI Structure before Page Address?

Say your address is 24-bits wide and not 16-bits..

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