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I make st-example-image-qt image with openstlinux-5.10on the board, i can't run any qt exampls , when i run a qt app,i get this Could not open egl display Aborted (core dumped)do i miss something
i‘m not using qt or other 3rd gui framweork, no weston, no x, just direct use drm api,i need switch off lcd after some time is not operated,i google it a while,It looks i need a complete desktop environment to do that,so i want know is any way to do ...
I'am using 26M oscillator on stm32H750VB device, it's not working on rev V, but same configure is work fine on rev Y.
Cannot set a time greater than 2038, whether in the console or the c program
Is it possible to generate mingw32 sdk in Yocto
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