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I am following this tutorial to debug a hard fault <timestamp 20:00>. I found that it is a bus fault and tried to access the BFAR register to see the address access that triggered the exception. But the address<0x1826852602> it was pointing didn't ma...
I came across a documentation stating that arm m4+ processors have CMSIS DSP api that is implemented with SIMD instructions. When we try to take the library file to use it there are 2 variants single precision and doubles precision FPU. I assumed tha...
Hi I am trying to optimise my gait generation code for my robot. I use a lot of float operations . I want to use FPU to accelerate computing. As an experiment I am using the following taskTickType_t start = xTaskGetTickCount(); while( i<100000000) ...
I started writing embedded code 7 months back for a robotics project. Till now , I was able to handle most of the stuff with HAL libraries. I hit a snag when trying to interface with a AHRS(Microstrain CX5-25) unit. There were time when only first fe...
I actually wrote a CAN routine to send commands from STM32MCU to some ECUs, all of which are connected to a single Bus. I noticed that during transmission If I temporarily remove the STM32 MCU from the CAN bus and put it back into the bus. It won't s...