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Resolved! datasheet

hi, i wanna a stm32l072 datasheet CN version. no result on the

Jseyn.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Where can I find documentation on ADC_IRQHandler()?

I'm using both ADC's in continuous / interrupt mode on some micro's in the STM32F103 family and it's working properly and fills my needs nicely.The core components which are commonly presented in the online tutorials are...Calibration:HAL_ADCEx_Calib...

m12lrpv by Associate III
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serdev_device_driver probe not called

Hello on my kernel module my probe funtion gets not called.static const struct of_device_id stm32_match[] = { { .compatible = "st,stm32-uart", .data = &stm32f4_info}, { .compatible = "st,stm32f7-uart", .data = &stm32f7_info}, { .compatible = "st,stm3...

SAman.1 by Associate III
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RTC_INIT failed and cause system hangs

Hi,When I write RTC_init() function in code which defined by stm32cube, once powerup, system goes to a hang status, after hard reset, chip works correctly... RTC clock set to LSI when I comment RTC_init(), system works properly even, when power up a...

MHaji.1 by Senior
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Resolved! I am having trouble getting the RTC to work with battery backup. I am using LSE as the clock and I have enabled the backup domain. I can set the date/time values as expected.

 But when I remove power (with the 3V battery still connected to Vbat) the date/time values freeze. That is, they remain where they were when to power was removed. How do I make the RTC continue to run during power down? Any help is appreciated.

BBert by Associate III
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Not enough memory to do an TCP alloc

The first step succeed and I'm able to ping my Nucleo H745ZI-Q.Next step would be creating a TCP connection, this doesn't work because of some memory related problems.Calling echoclient_pcb = tcp_new() gives me back a NULL./** * @ingroup tcp_raw * ...

Jvan .10 by Associate III
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Custom firmware update tool for an STM32

Hello,We are developing a product that uses an STM32, and we are wondering where we can find details about, or if it's feasible to create a customized firmware update tool for customers without extensive development time. We have no problems updating...

JMerr.3 by Associate
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Resolved! End of life agreement

Hi,I have a new project which should use only parts with life time of around 10 years. Where can I see on ST's website these information for a MCU?

Osto by Senior
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8 Byte stack align in interrups (vs. 4 byte)

Hi. I realize this may seem simple to some of you but i realy want to undestand this as easy as it is possible. In STM32 (for example) there is a bit called STKALIGN. If this bit is set stack is align to 8 byte instead of 4 byte.How can i see differ...

sholojda by Associate III
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