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Resolved! Why does my code only work on STM32 L476RG and not G474RE

Hi,I want to use the ETR to count pulses and set a second timer, so every ... seconds the value from the ETR counter is red and renewed like discribed in this ExampleSTM32 Frequency Counter – LAB10

NHube.2 by Associate
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Sendig USART does not send STM32F303RE

I'm trying to send data via USART to a serial monitor (i'm following a course) but i can't see it's receiving the data, the course is creating its own library manipulating registers.void UART2_WRITE(int ch);   int main(void) {   //enable clock to g...

There is an error in code even though it seems to be completely right.I am trying to glow the LED with the help of touch slider present on stm32l152-DISCOVERY board.I used the reference pdf for this purpose and did all the steps as mentioned in there .

I am just getting one error and it dosent seem to go.Can anyone help me to figure out why this error is coming and help me to resolve it asap.I have attached a screenshot of the same for the refrence below.

TPati.2 by Associate
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STM32G071C8T6 and USART3

Hi All,I don't managed to send char on USART3 with the attached project.I was wondering if someone had already detected issue in using USART3 Thanks in advance

gh_rcl by Associate II
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Inconsistent CK_TIM18.. usage in reference manual

In the reference manual STM32H7 (version July 2018) in chapter 37.1 - figure 343 for the clock source it says "CK_TIM18 from RCC".Problem: If I look for "CK_TIM18" in the complete manual, this name appears ONLY ONE TIME, here in this chapter 37.1 fig...

flyer31 by Senior
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