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Forum Posts

Error Launching Debug with Segger J-Link

Running STM32CubeIDE on Ubuntu. Custom board running a STM32H757. Trying the lead program/Run Debug using a Segger J-Link Plus. Followed steps to set up application debug for Segger J-Link. When I try to run it I get an error window with "java.lang.N...

ATrow.1 by Associate
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STM32CubeIDE and UHD/4k screen, Part 2

Hello,I'm trying to adjust the size of icons and fonts in STM32CubeIDE (Version 1.6.1) to the display on a 4k screen, because they are too small on such screens, it really hurts the eyes. I found a couple of suggestions for solving this problem on th...

UART Transmit, bare metal (no HAL OR LL). I just want to transfer 1 charater(later i would do a string) I am reading the character through hercules. Baud rate is 115200. (16Mhz / 115200 = 0x8B) here's the code. where am i going wrong?

#include<stdint.h>#include "usart.h"voidclock_init(void);voidclock_init(void){ RCC->CR &= ~(RCC_CR_HSIDIV); RCC->CR |= RCC_CR_HSION;}int main(){ clock_init(); usart_init(); while(1) { }}#include <stdint.h>#include "stm32g0xx.h"         // Device head...

Singh12 by Associate
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Resolved! HAL SAI cannot run quick enough for basic audio sampling?

I am trying to take a microphone sample every 62.5 microseconds (16,000Hz) which is the standard rate for audio files. The problem i have found is that HAL_SAI_Receive_DMA() returns HAL_BUSY for some samples. So we dont receive the required 16,000 sa...

RBamf.1 by Associate III
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