User Activity

Hello, I am writing FDCAN driver filtering function for the open source ChibiOS RTOS, both for FdCanV2(H7) and FdCanV1(G4) For the H7 side, all went easy, and the driver works as intended. On the G4 side,  FdCanV1 is a bit simpler (the ram buffer is ...
Hello,I have a custom H743 board with Microchip USB3340 external PHY (REFCLK = 24MHz, dedicated external oscillator)In an code that use ChibiOS, my configuration should achieve HS mode, but ultimately, after handshake, it revert to FS mode (12Mbits/s...
Hello,I am learning MDMA, and have been able to make it work in different scenarios, but I am now stuck.I want to use MDMA to chain DMA transactions without CPU intervention.What I want to do with mdma linked list is :° configure timer in output° use...
Hello, I need to control a high frequency pwm with a low frequency pwm on a F407. I have used the gated method described in RM0090, it mostly works, but since the master pwm control the enable of the counting, the output of the slave timer can be le...
Hello,I try to activate fifo + burst in dma transaction, without success (goal is a DSHOT driver* for drone)My setup (stm32f767):memory to timer TIM3 in pwm mode, writing several CCR registers in timer using DPAR+DBA+DBL (DBA set to access CCR regist...
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