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Hello,My goal is to evaluate several ARM Cortex-M4F chip manufactures and select the one that best fits my needs for building IoT devices. I will admit that I am on the learning curve and that I’m doing this on my spare time. I’ve read a lot of books...
Hello all,Is there a reference doc about the HAL/LL for ST's 32F439 ARM MCU?  I want to know the function structure and just want to know how it works and to have control over how I set up my devices.thanks George 
Hello,I’d like to offer ST some advice in there educational materials. I’d be willing to work with ST to improve such things if asked.If I’m not mistaken, I think this video is out of date: find it confusi...
Hello all,I'm new to ST and Cube.I'm trying to do a "blinky" program on a nucleo-F439ZI board. Everything seems to build and load to the board ok, but when I run it I get this message..."Debugger connection lost.Shutting down..."What am I doing wrong...
Hello all,I'm new to ST. I'm looking for ARM Cortex-M4(F) MPUs that have Ethernet port. These chips would also need FreeRTOS support and a quick and easy way to build a server for IoT. I've looked at the G4 family, but can't find anything about Et...