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Forum Posts

STM32H743ZI SDRAM. RAS/CAS pins not working

I checked for signals. all signals ok except PF11 / PG15 pins (RAS/CAS). Pins configured same as others dram-related: AF12, alternate function (gpio registers checked).I check this signals in GPIO mode, pins and pcb traces working well. But in altern...

Evgeny_v by Associate
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guidance needed to debug hard fault

My code, which is in progress, stopped working with a hard fault. This is on a STM32G431 with several timers running and two dma channels. I can single step through the code with breakpoints on the timer IRQ's and the DMA IRQ's and it works for sever...

BTrem.1 by Senior II
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Problem using SPI on NUCLEO-L476RG

Hi there everyone,I want to use SPI to communicate with an IMU, but I am having trouble communicating with any SPI devices. This is how my SPI is set. This is a snippet of my simple SPI test code./* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ for (uint8_t i = 0;i<100;...

0693W00000ANdwjQAD.png 0693W00000ANdznQAD.png 0693W00000ANe07QAD.png 0693W00000ANe0bQAD.png
MSzab.2 by Associate
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