Difference between STM32L071RBT6 and STM32G071RBT6
Dear Support,Good day,Please help to check and advise difference between STM32L071RBT6 and STM32G071RBT6? Also, Please confirm if they can be used as replacement to each other?
Dear Support,Good day,Please help to check and advise difference between STM32L071RBT6 and STM32G071RBT6? Also, Please confirm if they can be used as replacement to each other?
Posted on April 02, 2018 at 15:31Hello, My name is Mahmoud form Turkey,I'm trying to connect Delta Hmi with modbus protocol using RS485 connection method. I use STM32F103C8 microcontroller. I'm trying to apply to finish my internship project, I know...
Due to the current shortages I'm trying to make a circuit I'm designing as flexible as possible when it comes to final choice of processor.Is there a tool out there that can highlight where several STM32s differ? I'm not just talking memory and perip...
Hello, I am working on a project for integrating bluetooth module with our robot and I'm using STM32G474RE Nucleo board. For the testing of bluetooth module, I'm using X-Nucleo-BNRG2A1 expansion board. I referred to the "Getting Started with X-Cube-B...
Hello everyone, I am trying to do some examples on my STM32F429I_DISC0 board. I am new to ARM technologies. My goal is successfully connect something to my board but, I couldn't successfully do it. I thought maybe the problem was the device I connect...
I'm struggling to get what I think is not too complex an app running on a Nucleo-H7A3ZI-Q board and could use some help. Eventually I'd like to build up to an app that 1) reads a GPS over the UART, 2) writes the data to a uSD card and 3) uses a time...
I'm interfacing a camera module (OV2640) with STM32F446RE. I've found a driver on github for this camera however the given example from the github repository is for an F7 chip. I've integrated all the files for my f446re chip and everything runs corr...
If I understand correctly, the answer is YES (cannot support level triggered interrupts), only rising/falling edges. If there is an alternate method (read HACK), I'd be interested to hear it.Thanks in advance.John W.
I am using an STM32H743ZI processor and I am confused by an ambiguity in the manual (RM0433). On page 152, the lower table shows two banks of System Flash, bank 1 is 0x1FF00000-0x1FF1FFFF and bank 2 is 0x1FF40000-0x1FF5FFFF. Only bank 1 is marked as ...