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Hello,I would like to know how to configure the SD card of an STM32L552E-VE evaluation board, I have an example with this evaluation card 'FatFs_uSD_Standalone' but It's not easy for me to understand how to configure the 'SDMMC' with this board since...
Hello, I have this code     // Initialiser le bloc A fresult= HAL_SAI_Init(&hsai_BlockA1); if (fresult != HAL_OK) { return HAL_ERROR; } // Initialiser le bloc B fresult= HAL_SAI_Init(&hsai_BlockB1); if (fresult != HAL_OK) { r...
Hello,I looked at an example of DMA on CubeMX and I got this code :   /* Infinite loop */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ if (transferErrorDetected == 1) { /* Toggle LED4 with a period of 200 m...
Hello,I have a program that works in DMA but I would like to put a function to know when the transfer in the DMA is finished so that I can recover the data continuously. Do you have any information on this ? Here is part of my code  HAL_SAI_Register...
Hello, I would like to know if there are people who have already configured the SAI with a CODEC to recover the data ? With this link below: I can see this figure but I don't quite under...
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