Hello,I would like to know if it's possible to configure my evaluation board HSI, I have this code and I would like to adapt it on my evaluation card and see if it is compatible with the rest : // HSI
void SystemClock_Config(void)
Hello,I would like to know how to update STM32CubeIDE (and probably STM32CubeMX) correctly ? The last update I lost all my programs, do you have any links, information or advice on this subject ?THANKS
Hello,I recover from a project but when I compile there are errors.And yet this file exists in the projectI think that in this tab the configuration is not correct, how can I change the configuration so that it is taken into account in my workspace ?...
Hello,I would like to find the initial configuration of my IDE, when I carry out this operation I should in principle see the call functions but here I do not see :But before I could see the dependency but now I can't see it anymore :Do I have to ac...
Hello,I have a evaluation Board STM32L552E-EV, after working with J-LINK SEGGER I now I go back to the initial configuration with ST-LINK.Now I have this messageAfter I switched back to ST-LINK with ST-LinkReflash.exe. It's OKDo I need to do anything...
@TDK wrote:As I said, you will have to use LSI as a clock source to something if you want CubeMX to enable it. Otherwise it is not needed and will not be enabled.Always very vague and evasive, nothing concrete. Can you modify my .ioc file in my _HSI_...
@Andrew Neil wrote:You said you'd made changes since the zip file you posted.Yes it's the case with my _HSI_conf project (in projet I have the .ioc file) but I don't have the same code. What I would like to obtain RCC_OscInitStruct.OscillatorTy...
@Andrew Neil wrote:@DYann.1 wrote: I created a _HSI_conf project to have the .ioc file in order to generate the code that I found. So post that .ioc file, and the code that was generated from it.???? Is this a joke ? With all these explanations and ...
@Andrew Neil wrote:I'm confused.You attached your zip file to this post:https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-products/how-to-configure-hsi-in-stm32l5/m-p/755458/highlight/true#M269041I have only this code without '.ioc' // HSI
void SystemClock_C...
@Andrew Neil wrote:The .ioc file just saves the CubeMX configuration - the C source code has to be generated from that configuration data.So how to configure CubeMX to have this code ?It's the same question but asked in reverse.