User Activity

Hello,I would like to know if it's possible to configure my evaluation board HSI, I have this code and I would like to adapt it on my evaluation card and see if it is compatible with the rest :  // HSI // void SystemClock_Config(void) { RCC_...
Hello,I  would like to know how to update STM32CubeIDE (and probably STM32CubeMX) correctly ? The last update I lost all my programs, do you have any links, information or advice on this subject ?THANKS
Hello,I recover from a project but when I compile there are errors.And yet this file exists in the projectI think that in this tab the configuration is not correct, how can I change the configuration so that it is taken into account in my workspace ?...
Hello,I  would like to find the initial configuration of my IDE, when I carry out this operation I should in principle see the call functions but here I do not see :But before I could see the dependency but now I can't see it anymore :Do I have to ac...
Hello,I have a evaluation Board STM32L552E-EV, after working with J-LINK SEGGER I now I go back to the initial configuration with ST-LINK.Now I have this messageAfter I switched back to ST-LINK with ST-LinkReflash.exe. It's OKDo I need to do anything...