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Forum Posts

stm32f4 using NVIC_SystemReset() fails to reset

Hello,My board consists of stm32f427 and I have a strange problem.Calling NVIC_SystemReset() causes CPU to hang. This happens only on some boards.I could overcome the problem in one of the following:Add a HAL_Delay(100) before calling NVIC_SystemRese...

ari_v2 by Senior
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Resolved! MCU crashes after using HAL_OB function.

I have tried the HAL_OB function.No change was good.So I ran the code below.After that, ST LINK connection is not possible.MCU is not responding.Is there no way to get it back?MCU : STM32G07xCODE :         FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef OBInit;        if...