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Hi there,I am receiving a hardfault when erasing pages of flash, seemingly randomly. I can recreate the issue somewhat consistently if I rapidly erase flash pages. I have followed the example project from the STM32WB firmware package (erase flash exa...
I am trying to use the HW Timer Server Library, Low Power Manager and Sequencer on an STM32WB to wakeup/sleep my system to/from STOP2 mode. It seems that the system checks the timer once per second. I am monitoring the STM32WB power using STM32CUBEMo...
I have added a partition (MY_MEMORY) to my flash to store a static library (littlefs) so that I don't have to include it in the firmware that is updated over the air however the output binary file for the project is very large. I have reviewed this p...
Hi everyone,I am trying to use an STM32WB55 to detect iBeacons and have found that if an iBeacon does not have it's GeneralDiscoverable flag set then it is not detected by the system. I believe that the iBeacon is being filtered by the coprocessor on...
I am finding that I cannot run the debugger on this example application and that after programming I must reset the device for it to start working. I get "Target is not responding..." and am using the P-NUCLEO-WB55. This problem is unique to only the...