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Hello developers,I am working on a device which has 5 graphs to show. If I use them in non-os mode, there will be no conflict and each graph can have more than 100 data samples. but if I add Freertos to the project, I can not use these 5 graphs with ...
HelloI have encountered a problem that when I change the optimization level from "None" to "Optimize for speed" or even "O1", the spi is not working as expected. It gives me all zero in reading mode. Any idea where could be the problem?
Hello dear friends,It's been a week since I worked on the CAN transceiver and couldn't make it work. I have set up the chip rcc, bit rate, and receive interrupt of CAN, set the receive filter, and the receiver id in transmission, with no success. I h...
Is it possible to have non disrupting connection? It seems earlier it wasn't possible neither now.
I was looking for using the Eigen library with stm32cubeide, but after adding the library, the compiler says it can not find cmath library. I tried to change the project to c++, but the error was persistent. Anyone has any sort of experience?
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