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Resolved! I am using a chinese STM32F407 board. I am trying to use DMA to generate a wave signal through the DAC1 channel. Without DMA DAC y works, but I have not be able to generate the signal using DMA.

It is like DMA never starts.Any ideas?below is the code./* USER CODE END TIM6_Init 0 */ TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig = {0}; /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM6_Init 1 */ /* USER CODE END TIM6_Init 1 */ htim6.Instance = TIM6; htim6.Init.Prescaler = 42-1;...

AVALE.1 by Associate II
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Why does the DMA not read the Sigma Delta ADC?

I have sigma delta 16-bit ADC enabled. It works great with regular interrupt. No problem there, but when I'm trying to use DMA with Sigma Delta ADC, then nothing happens. It will only be zeros.I have 9 SDADC zero referenze on SDADC1, 3 SDADC zero ref...

DMårt by Lead
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STM32F4 SAI data latch

Hello​​Our new product use a STM32F427 and a ADC(AD7768-4) the data input connection is the SAI(serial audio interface). The STM32F4 SAI mode is the slave mode.​​The ADC sends SAI_SD signal and SAI_FS at rising edge.Therefore, we think that the STM3...

TFuji.5 by Associate II
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Resolved! Why is Sigma Delta ADC 32767 at 0 volt?

Hi!I'm trying to read Sigma Delta ADC for 16-bit. It works, but it seems that everything is reverse.For single Sigma Delta ADC I get 32767 (0x7FFF) when I apply 0 volt.For differential Sigma Delta ADC I get 65553 (0xFFFF) when the difference is 0 vol...

DMårt by Lead
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Resolved! STM32G0 Variable square wave generation

Hi all, I'm using a NUCLEO-G071RB board and I simply want to generate a variable frequency square wave. I started from project TIM_OCToggle found on the examples.My problem is that TIM1 channel 1 has a fixed frequency and even if I change it through ...

ECast.12 by Associate II
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My device is setting watchdog during powerup.

Dear ST community,We are using STM32L152VBT6-LQFP100 Pin IC in our device. we are using it for a long time. recently we observed that our 2 boards are setting watchdog during Powering the Board.the boards are going in the loop of watchdog reset. what...

VinayakP by Associate II
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