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Forum Posts

Utilize SDRAM on STM32H743 EVAL2 Board

I'm having trouble making use of SDRAM (external device memory) on the STM32H743 EVAL2 board. Specifically, I'm trying to make use of FMC SDRAM Bank 2 (Region: External Devices) to store a large array. Here are code snippets that I have added/modifi...

matt12345 by Associate II
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STM32L412 UART bootloader not writing data

Hi, I'm curentlly in the process of switching to a STM32L412 from an STM32F3 on a custom design and I'm having an issue with the UART bootloader. The bootloader worked as intended on the F3 chip but on the L4 chip I can't write to the chip. Everythin...

fabces by Associate
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Resolved! How to add fsdata.c file to project?

Posted on March 19, 2017 at 21:42I have the STM32F407 Discovery board running with LWIP. I am able to ping the board and get replies.I now want to get a Web Server running on the board. I used CubeMX and Enabled LWIP_HTTPD on the HTTPD configuration...

STM32F4 Custom board HID device

Hello. I am developing a custom board with STM32F405. I want it to work as custom HID device. The board must connect to the PC through an already existent driver software. I tested he board with the Keyboard and Custom HID device examples in the pack...

VCapu by Associate III
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how to use osMessageQueueNew

hello,I am using ADC for data acquisition using 46 uSec. I would like to do some calculation every 4 samples. I am using timer to trigger Adc reading. Can I use osMessageQueue in ADC complete conversion call back function to put 4 new adc reading int...

Resolved! SPI signal looks weird on STM32F746

Hi,I have a custom board with STM32F746 MCU and XPT2046 touch controller (Clone of TI TSC2046E). They are connected on SPI2 (no other devices on this bus), running at ~210Kbit/s.I couldn't get the touch controller to work correctly, so I've connected...

RZahor by Associate II
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COnfiguring MODBUS in STM32H750VB

I am using STM32H750VB for my project. I am unable to configure parameters for MODBUS communication. When I activate Modbus communication using CUBE MX .I have attached the screenshot of the problem and also my cube version. I want to configure the b...

Initialize IS45S16320F SDRAM on FMC of STM32H745

Hi all,We have an SDRAM connected on the FMC interface of the STM32H745, wired as in the attached screenshots.What is notice is that i am writing 0x12345678, but i get 0x12341234. This is one, the other is that also these values are gone after some t...

VZolt.1 by Associate II
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