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Hello again. I'm having this problem with I2C with the STM32F303RE.I have this array of data I want to send via I2C to a sensor.std::uint8_t conf_bytes[2] = {0xF4, 0x03}; periph::I2C::write_data(I2C1, BME_ADDR, 2U, conf_bytes); BME_ADDR is the addr...

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SystemClock Settings for STM32L0 mcu

HiI have my own board, with STM32L053C8T6TR. And I set clock and program failed here: while (LL_RCC_HSE_IsReady ()! = 1) {};void SystemClock_Config(void) {   LL_APB1_GRP1_EnableClock(LL_APB1_GRP1_PERIPH_PWR); // clock pro PWR controller LL_PW...


STM32F407VET6 recognized as Mass Storage Device

Hello, guys. Bought and STM32 board, tried to upload .hex file on it from ST-Link Utility, but when tried to connect board, received "No ST-LINK detected!". Checked in Device Manager - board appear as Mass Storage device(No ST-Link Debug, just storag...

YSukh.1 by Associate
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How to properly temporarily disable UART reception ?

Hello,we have UART based communication that cause crosstalk between RX and TX lines.It can't be fixed, so I'd like to solve it in SW.I'd like to temporarily disable/enable UART reception before/after sending on UART.I'm already putting DMA into Pause...

bully by Senior
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Resolved! How to generate 2 sync square signals with timers

I would appreciate if someone could provide me with some tips about how to accomplish this in an optimal way.I want to generate a square signal in one pin, and exactly the double in other, both must be synchronized.My first approach was to use one ti...

DAlvarez by Associate II
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STM32G071 Break Bidirectional IO always HIGH

Hi. I want to OR two comparators to produce one fault signal to external device. While comparators on event are generating TIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM_IRQHandler and TIM1->SR & TIM_SR_BIF is set to 1 and my PWM output (which I use for debug) is stopped the ...

KoRba88 by Associate III
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Cannot Program STM32F103c86

I have bought a new stm32f103c86 and I am trying to program it first time. To program the STM32 Blue Pill board I am using a using a USB to serial converter. The Rx and Tx pin of the Converter is connected to the A9 and A10 pin of the STM32 respect...

RR.7 by Associate II
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Bad FW behavior on first debug session

Working on uvison5 keil IDEWhen I start the first debug session I don't get any interrupts (BLE).Only after pressing the "Rst" button, and jumping back to .s file the ISRs work.What am I doing wrong?

DS.4 by Senior II
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