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Hi there!If I interpret table 45 on p. 247 of the reference manual correctly, then the IPCC interrupt is not able to wake up a CPU from STOP mode:Am I correct in my interpretation? If so, is there any other way for CPU1 to wake up CPU2 from STOP mode...
Hi there!   We are developing a new STM32WL based product that must be compatible with the existing STM32L0 + S2-LP products.   It appears that the GFSK data whitening algorithm is different(?). I used an SDR dongle to sniff the raw bytes transmitted...
Hi there,I am trying to use the S2-LP as a packet sniffer to receive proprietary RF packets that do not contain a length byte. Is it possible to configure the S2-LP to finish RX by monitoring the RSSI level? How?Thanks in advance,Pieter
Hi everyone!I have found that the System Memory (Boot ROM) is always mapped to 0x0000_0000 on the STM32L471RET6 that I'm developing on. The Flash Memory is mapped to 0x0800_0000 as expected but as soon as interrupts are triggered they jump to 0x1FFFF...
Hi there!In the S2-LP datasheet it is stated that the typical delay is 40 us: Does this mean that the host microcontroller must use a CSn low delay of at least 40 us when the S2-LP is in STANDBY or SLEEP mode and it wants to send an SPI command to pu...
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