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Resolved! Is it possible to use the RTC alarm signal on the tamper pin in order to turn on a transistor or maybe hold that value in a D flip flop?

I've been doing a lot of research concerning Low power modes for the stm32 bluepill and I was wondering if i could power my board through VDD and execute a code through it and then right after going into sleep mode I would use a switch to only power...

HAbay.1 by Associate III
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Hello, I am using STM32L053 nucleo board. I am trying to read Multiple ADC Channels but values are not coming correct. Here is my code in details. I am using continuous mode using polling method.

#include "main.h"#include<stdio.h>ADC_HandleTypeDef hadc;UART_HandleTypeDef huart2;void SystemClock_Config(void);static void MX_GPIO_Init(void);static void MX_USART2_UART_Init(void);static void MX_ADC_Init(void);int main(void){ HAL_Init(); SystemCloc...

Resolved! Multiple ADC channels on STM32L072xx

I am using STM32L072xx module and I would like to use ADC4, ADC5 and ADC 17 (Vrefint) at the same time. But I want to use ADC4 with DMA of buffer size 500 or more. It is not necessary to store ADC5 & ADC17 in DMA.Can I use DMA only for ADC 4 and dump...

CDesh by Associate III
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Stm32f103 adc stable conversion

I am making a ntc thermometer with stm32f103c8 (by writing over registers without using state library). The code works as it is,I did the adc conversion in 7.5 cycles. I used the calibration register and ran the adc in continuous conversion mode. but...

Bicer by Associate II
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Faster way to do a 1/x operation ?

Hi All,This is not really a specific STM32 question I suppose, so please excuse what might seem like a simple maths question for some of you. How can I do a 1/x operation to a FLT number without using the VDIV command?VDIV takes 14 clock cycles to ...

RMyer.1 by Associate III
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Why is DMA state READY when I want to abort DMA?

Hi!I'm doing SDADC and I think there is some issues with the DMA for SDADC in STM32CubeIDE 1.7.0.First, I have enabled DMA for SDADC1, SDADC2, SDADC3 and I have selected InjectedConversion = ENABLE. Then I run this function. volatile static int16_t S...

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DMårt by Lead
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Resolved! STM32F405 SPI Transmit using DMA not working

I have a problem transmitting a byte with SPI using DMA and asking for your help to solve this issue.Used uC: STM32F405RGT6Target: Display ST7789Project generated with STM32CubeIDEToolchain/IDE: Keil uVisionSPI 2 used/configured as "transmit only, ma...

dimkyy by Associate II
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