2021-12-06 3:42 AM
Hello Guys, I want to read multiple channels from my adc using DMA.
However I want to implement it the following way:
1. Start ADC DMA (scan, discontinous conv.)
2. Wait for the completion (the CPU should just wait until the conversion of the multiple channels is finished)
3. Continue with other code
Is there a simple way to implement the waiting?
(I know its not efficient to wait but this is what my use case requires)
2021-12-06 1:34 PM
I am still struggling, no one?
2021-12-06 2:00 PM
[EDIT] I don't use Cube/HAL. https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeL1/blob/5641cb07a1d78d7e9649d056136e513bb273fcca/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_adc.c#L1196 maybe?
[EDIT2] EOCS value in description of EOC in the RM0038 section I've posted above appears to be wrong, can anybody please check me?