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STM32L4S9 SDMMC timeout handling

Hello,I am working with the SDMMC peripheral on a STM32L4S9 chip to interface with an SD card on a custom board using the HAL SD card driver. I am performing reads and writes using `HAL_SD_WriteBlocks` and `HAL_SD_ReadBlocks`. Everything is working w...

jefflongo by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F429: push puts garbage on the stack

Hi,im using a STM32F429ZI with CubeIDE 1.7.0 and firmware version 1.25.0 for my project. The project doesn't use an operationg system.During coding, I worked with debug settings and without compiler optimizations and everything worked fine. When turn...

0693W00000DpmEyQAJ.png 0693W00000DpmGpQAJ.png 0693W00000DplwcQAB.png 0693W00000DpmIRQAZ.png
HSchi.2 by Associate II
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