User Activity

Hello STM32-Community,I'm currently using an STM32L4R with USB Connection to PC. I've "Device_ONly"-Mode in USB_OTG_FS (though I am not 100% sure if required) and USB_Device in STM32CubeMX activated. I included the settings iof USB_DEVICE in the cate...
Hello STM32-Community,I'm currently using the SPH0641 Microphone alongside DFSDM. My DFSDM settings are:Sinc filter: Sinc 3 FilterIOSR: 8Divider = 79FOSR = 37with a clock frequency of 48 MHz and as a clocksource for DFSDM I've a sample rate of about ...
Hello STM32-Community,I've got a somewhat mundane problem today. Suddenly a piece of .h file decides to give a warning. I'm using STM32CubeMX and have also rebuilt the project multiple times and I still get this warning: Anyone knows how to fix this ...
Hello dear STM32-Community,I'm using an STM32L4R and wanted to configure my data retention of SRAM2 for standbymode.I did the following changes to the linker file:/* Highest address of the user mode stack */ _estack = 0x10004000; /* end of RAM */ ...
Hi STM32-Community,I'm currently using an STM32L4R-MCU and was trying to set it up for standby. By using LoRa, I don't want it to keep requesting an OTAA-Command to join the network, I'm trying to use the SRAM2 Retention of my MCU in Standby-Mode. Go...