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Forum Posts

How to access the 2KB user option bytes in H7

In the STM32H7 datasheets, page 23 (H750) or 26 (H743) - ST says the device has 2KB user option bytes flash area. Does anyone have idea if this is a typo? Or how to access this memory?If it really is there - it has a good potential to be used as conf...

Dan4 by Associate II
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SPI loopbacking not working

I am using nucle-h745ziq ,SPI1 as Full duplex master and SPI4 as Full duplex salve.And both have same freuncy 25MHZ .And spi1 prescalar is 2.But SPI4 is not start the communication.Both structure parameter are same.In spi.c libabry I am uing if(HAL_...

MDeva.1 by Associate II
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How to excess DMA_SxNDTR register

I am trying to collect data from ADC using DMA in circular buffer mode.i want to excess/read DMA_SxNDTR register. also tell me how to read data from circular buffer. I have written code for reading count from DMA_SxNDTR but it is not working , it is...

NKann.1 by Associate III
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STM32G4 ADC1 DMA issue.

I am trying to read 3 ADC channels (ADC1) via DMA but I get false values in the watch window./* Private user code ---------------------------------------------------------*//* USER CODE BEGIN 0 */uint32_t value1[3];/* USER CODE END 0 *//** * @brief T...

PGand by Associate
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Yet another "No ST-LINK detected! " issue

I have had STM32CubeIDE v1.3.0 working with my hardware. I just upgraded to Cube to v1.6.1. Now when I try to debug, I get "No ST-LINK detected! " message box This has happened before (my upgrade to 1.4.1 failed so I rolled back to 1.3.0). ST-LINK...

RWeil.3 by Associate II
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Failed to communicate with device using Nucleo uart

Hello,I'm using nucleo board f410rb to communicate with another device via UART, my Baudrate is correctly fixed , i checked with the builder of the device the command i should send , i wrote the following code but the device dosen't respond uint8_t t...

Ahajr.1 by Associate II
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