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Hi everyone,I'm using Nucleo H723 board. I have used 8 timers in encoder mode to read the encoders. I have also activated another timer to make an interrupt every 4ms to send the data via Usart.everything work good but when I use sprint code to put t...
Hello everyone,I'm using 4 timers of a stm32 nucleo board to count the increments in encoder mode. 2 timers are 16 bit and 2 others are 32 bit. The increments can be between -1,000,000,000 and +1,000,000,000.With 32 bit timers, there is no problem be...
Hi All,  I would like to send int32_t decimal number via USART, but with HAL_Uart_Transmit we can send uint_8. Do you have any idea how I can do that?Thanks.
Hi everyone,I need to monitor the amount of 2 variables in the 2 STm32 Nucleo board.I could do that but I have 2 problems. the sampling of each probe is not regular. Cube monitor makes it for example in the time 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, .. ms. I need to monit...
Hi everyone,I have synchronized the clock of 2 F7 nucleo boards with the same external oscillator. To do that I have activated MCO of a third nucleo board and then I have connected it to the Pin 29 of CN11 of 2 boards.2 Clocks of MCUs:I have used the...
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