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Forum Posts

USART1_IRQ HANDLER ISR is not getting executing after enabling RXNEIE is set in cr1 and setting priority in NVIC_ISER1 register in stm32f401re nucleo board.anyinputs?

#include<main.h> #include<stdarg.h> void SystemInit(); void Uart1_config(); void uart_printf(const char *fmt, ...); void delay(int val); void Gpio_Enable(); void USART1_IRQHandler() { uint16_t rx; rx=USART1->DR; GPIOB->ODR ^=1<<3; USART1->...

Nchun.1 by Senior
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Can't see the data using DMA and ADC

I'm using STM32F303RE, and I'm trying to sense analog values from different ports of the ADC using the DMA, but at the moment the application is running, I don't get any data. I tried to put an interrupt routine to see if the DMA is at least been cal...

I am having problems with QSPI interface here to talk to a 4Mbit NOR Flash (Flash MX25V4035F ). It looks like Initialization succeeds and chip erases. However, I get HAL error on sending any command such as Write Enable or Read ID.

The Hardware Configuration is /* Initialize QSPI Lines  *  * GPIO Pin Function * PE7  :  QSPI_BK2_IO3 * PFE8  :  QSPI_BK2_IO2 * PE9  :  QSPI_BK2_IO1 *  PE10  :  QSPI_BK2_IO0 *  PA7  :  QSPI_CLK * PC12  : QSPI_BK2_NCS  * */  GPIO_InitStruct.Pin =...

PRama.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H7 DMA Data Reception Issue..

Hi, I'm using USART2 in DMA mode. But i'm receving data was incorrect alignment. (i.e) Data last byte was get in my first byte of data. I don't know why its happen. I'm enabled I & D-Cache memory also and the DMA buffer was stored in in RAM_D2(0x30...

Vel by Associate III
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