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Forum Posts

ADC oversampling result ramping in seconds

I'm using STM32F303 to sampling the multiple analog signals, and for higher resolution, I was oversampling every channel, but I found out all the signals were ramping with same period and same time. ​For figuring out the problem, I did a lot of tests...

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[POSSIBLE SILICON BUG] STM32G474QE Analog Sequencer on ADC4 Slips by one when configured for dual regular mode with DMA under specific trigger settings and high noise on inputs.

I am currently using an STM32G474QE for a motor control application and ran into a possible silicon bug.We have ADC1 and ADC2 configured for dual regular interleaved mode with DMA triggered off TIM1_TRGO2ADC3 and ADC4 configured for dual regular inte...

KYin.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Single word (32 bit ) Flash programming STM32G0

I am trying to make UART boot loader and programming via Teraterm by sending HEX file.some hex records have only 4 bytes. how to program only one word. Reference manual RM0454 page no. 59 says only double word can be programmed.How to program single ...

HPATH.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H7 RTC in both M7 and M4 Dual Cores

I wanted to use RTC in both my cores M7 and M4. Is RTC a shared peripheral ? Can we use RTC to set or get time from any core asynchronously ? Please share any configuration need to be done for doing so ?

YSN by Senior
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Resolved! I2C (slave mode) behavior at beginning of transfer

I'm configuring I2C4 as a slave receiver, using interrupt method. I noticed that when the I2C master (another MCU) sends the slave address, I2C4 detects an address match and sets the ADDR flag in the I2C4->ISR register. What baffles me is that at thi...

HWidj.2 by Associate III
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