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Forum Posts

FMC for STM32 in muxed mode

Please help me with operation of the FMC module in STM32F407VE. It is necessary to connect external RAM memory; since FMC module in this microcontroller uses the address bus and data bus in muxed mode, its need to demultiplex this signals. For this p...

Kvon .1 by Associate
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Resolved! ADC returns wrong value

I have a hardware that have on stm32g071 chip and mcp9700 temperature sensor. I tried reading temperature and i read 2040.(ADC 12bit resolution).I also measured directly on hardware using multimeter and i read about 0.7 V So ADC measures wrong. Addit...

oziesin by Associate III
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Can the I2C2 block be used on STM32F107?

We're investigating replacing some STM32F105 processors with STM32F107 on a short time frame.The datasheet footnote says "SPI2/I2S2 and I2C2 are not available when the Ethernet is being used." Does that mean that I2C2 is never available or that you h...

STM32F446 I2C Registers OAR1 and OAR2

Are these registers two address of a I2C slave or OAR2 is a mask of OAR1?Mean:address slave = OAR1 AND OAR2. Ex. OAR1 = 0xE0 OAR2 = 0xF0. (OAR1 AND OAR2) are 8 address 0xE0,0xE2 .. 0XEE . Thank you Marco

MNoll.1 by Associate II
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I2C Interrupts

Hello everyone!I would like to know what requirements are needed to work with sensors in a STM32 core F401RE using I2C Interrupts, and if that is possible.Thanks.I was searching in Internet but I don't find nothing.

JGóme.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! USART RX and TX issue

I am using STM32F746G discovery board.~~~void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) {   HAL_UART_Receive_IT (&huart6, Rx_buff, USART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE);   HAL_Delay(500);   HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart6, &Rx_buff, USART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE, 1000);}~...

Mani1 by Associate II
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