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Hello, after I upgraded my ubuntu  STM32CubeIDE from 1.14.0 to 1.16.0 I am getting the IDE menus messed up, menu fonts messed up and some portions of the screen are black. Previous version 1.14.0 (and respective toolchain) did not have any problem.My...
Hello,my goal here to understand the TIM channel output behavior in different situations between generating one-pulse. Ultimately I need to make sure that I have a predictable output "0" level output at all times if not generating pulse.I am using ST...
I am using STM32H7 General Purpose Timers TIM2, TIM3, TIM4, TIM5 and their respective external trigger ETR using combined RESET and TRIGGER modes and I am configuring and starting Channel4 for each to generate One-Pulse output . All the configuration...
Hi, What are the revisions of the STM32F411CEU6 chip?The ERRATA doc from STM mentions only revision "A" . Are there other revisions?I received board with revision "1" .
I am coding STM32H743 MCU with CubeMX generated library.I have 1 SPI Master and 1 Slave. Both configured for a full SPI with both lines of Tx and Rx.Master is calling blocking HAL_SPI_Transmit() or HAL_SPI_Receive() but never simultaneous HAL_SPI_Tra...
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