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Forum Posts

SPI - role of the NSS signal?

This is a question about SPI communication.There is an NSS pin for SPI communication, but is it okay to use GPIO instead of the NSS pin when there is one master and one slave?We don't quite understand the role of NSS. I think it will be useful when t...

STM32U545 : LPBAM cotinuous ADC multichannel

Hi,I am using an STM32U545 on which I expect to use ADC4_IN1 and ADC4_IN18 in stop mode 2 (using LPBAM).I want to create two buffer (buff1 and buff2 uint16_t[32]) dedicated to each input.I want to read 32 samples from input1 then 32 samples from inpu...

Aurelien1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7B0RBT6 with QSPI PSRAM APS6404L-3SQR

Hi Community,During a project we are using the microcontroller STM32H7B0RBT6 with QSPI PSRAM APS6404L-3SQR , it works fine in indirect mode either in quad read and quad write, but the issue is with the write in memory mapped mode when trying to write...


A question on pin labeling for STM32H7

The STM32H7 reference manual (stm32h723zg.pdf) contains several tables describing he pin mappings (pin to functions).In Table 7 and 8, for pin A0, A5, and A15, it lists the pin function as "TIM2_CH1/TIM2_ETR" for alternate function #0. Should this be...

sidney by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F0* Leave DFU mode with BOOT0 HIGH

Motivation: Release a product (STM32F072RBT) with no buttons or toggles on the PCB and allow customers to flash and interact with their product over USB serial interface. Requirement: Keep BOOT0 held high so the STM32 is in DFU mode upon initial conn...

Resolved! External interrupt and button debounce

Hi all,  I currently work on STM32F030K6 . I am working with a reed switch connected to pin PA8 (EXTI8). I havec onfigured the PIN like : "external Interrupt Mode rising/falling ....I need to perform an action on the rising edge AND on the falling ed...

JJoao.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! 100ns trigger pulses

Hello team, which of the STM32 microcontroller is able to generate single trigger pulses in steps of 100ns +/- 10ns? Best regards,Jochen

JR1 by Associate II
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