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Hello ,I have used the below to go into stop mode:  HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode( PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI ); /* CPU will be halted here until a wakeup event occurs */ in  the above function, what is the difference PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFI  & P...
I am working on STM32L051R8, which is set to use Stop mode, which wakes up on the start bit. I have a situation where the MCU wakes up on an unwanted start bit, and UART extracts unwanted data. The expected action is to ignore the unwanted data and e...
While loading .ioc file, when clicking continue to when pressing ok ,  
Hello , i am looking to know for STM32L051 how long will it take a byte to be written in to eeprom.while writing eeprom does it have any limitations like UART intteruptions? 
hi all, I am using STLINK/V2 ISOL which says ST_LINK, No MCU device found, just replacing with STLINK/V2 works keep all setup intact.what could be the reason. 
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