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yang hong
Associate III
Posted on May 23, 2018 at 16:45


I am trying x-nucleo-plc01a1. but there are two jumpers (J5 and J11) on the board. I can't find any document to describe how to use them. Anybody can help?

thank you.

ST Employee
Posted on May 24, 2018 at 15:41




You have to review theX-NUCLEO-PLC01A1 schematic in the

Getting started with the X-NUCLEO-PLC01A1.

You mayrefer to the

, there is a figure on page 14

(Figure 9)

of theX-NUCLEO-PLC01A1 expansion board shown how the jumpers are configured.

Best Regards,


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Posted on May 24, 2018 at 16:00

Thank you for your reply. I have some questions about this expansion board:

1) when I apply 24vdc on terminal block J8 (pin 1 and pin 2), I should have one led on (power good, D24) or this led should not be on , but I don't have it. I check all test points (TP2, TP3, TP5), TP4=24V, TP5=5V, TP2=20V,TP3=2.1V, as soon as I try to talk VNI8200XP, I got faulty led on(D23). Do you have any idea? Thanks a lot.

Posted on June 05, 2018 at 07:00



, faulty LED is attached to VNI8200XP and represents one of the two conditions:

1. Channel overtemperature (OVT)

2. Parity check fail when SPI mode is used

It would be interesting to find out why you don't have power good LED and what causes it to be not on when you apply 24V (you may try to increase current limit of power supply). Also which Nucleo board are you using with X-NUCLEO-PLC01A1.



Posted on June 05, 2018 at 22:37

I am working on nucleo-144 stm32f429zi with x-nucleo-plc01a1.

1)  After I read manual VNI8200XP, POWER GOOD is (PG), when voltage is good, (PG) is high, otherwise is low, so user won't see PG led is on if power supply is in good status;

2) I did make x-nucleo-pcl01a1 work with stm32f429zi. 

nucleo-144 stm32f429zi  is not fully compatible with x-nucleo-plc01a1 because PA7 on base board is used for Ethernet port, so I need to connect them using the wires, connect PA7(D11) on X-NUCLEO-PLC01A1 to PB5(D22) on the  stm32f429zi.

3) of course, user need to modify the x-nucleo-plc01a1 library as well to meet pin requirements of stm32f429zi.



Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge about using the plc010a with the stm32f429zi! I have been searching for this error for many days and almost went crazy!

Additional note: On the underside of the NUCLEO F429 board, there are two solder bridges that allow you to switch from PA7 to PB5. These are labeled SB121 and SB122.