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Resolved! Get the System Clock Frequency (SystemCoreClock)

Hi everyone,Help please,Im using CubeMX 5.0 with STM32F407 Disco board, I had activated the HSE clock to be the clock system with 168 MHz (HCLK on the clock tree of CubeMX).Im tryning then to get the CPU clock, ( to introduce it in the Basic systik m...

mmed by Associate III
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Resolved! Odd observation on STM32G071 device

Hi allSTM32CubeIDE v1.16.1firmware package: cube FW_C0 V1.2.0I use the IDE to start a new project with STM32G071 on its discovery board.Just simply configure PD0, 1, 2, and 3 as inputs with pull-ups.  All other aspects are using IDE defaults.code gen...

STMG474 ADC Interleaved

Hi I am trying to get a high ADC sample rate "above 10MHz" with the STM32G4 family, I am playing with NucleoG474RE at the moment. I can see there is an example of Triple Multimode Interleaved for CubeF4 :STM32CubeF4/Projects/STM324x9I_EVAL/Examples/A...

Resolved! control of my stm32 with an external board

Good morning. I want to use my Nucleo to light up the LED of my stm32h747. For this, I first programmed a GPIO output for my nucleo board. I connected a wire and measured 3.4 volts and 120 mA with a multimeter. then, I decided to toggle the wire to p...

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Jad by Senior
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Resolved! The option bytes are not being written in STM32L433

I would like to enable write protection via an option byte.However, HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() hangs, and even if the CPU is reset afterwards, the option byte is not rewritten.This issue occurs with both combinations: my board + J-Link or Nucleo + ST-Link...

Resolved! STM32F303 does not boot

Hi,I run the NUCLEO-F303RE eval board. I separated the ST-Link part from the target processor part and connected GND/TCK/TMS/NRST/SWO by wires. I populated the 8MHz xtal with Rs and Cs on the target part. This works fine.I copied the circuitry for th...

DetlefS by Associate III
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USB Package do not work

Hello,I have an Olimex board with an STM32F107 cpu on it.It start in the bootloader and I can upload firmware to it.For this I use CubeIDE and CubeProgrammer.I need to give USB support to my application so that to communicate with a PC.In CubeIDE, I ...

MDe by Associate III
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problem w/ setting polynomial for CRC

I'm trying to set the polynomial for the CRC block and having some difficulty. I want to set the CRC block to compute a CRC-32K (Reversed Koopman) over my data.Here are the detailsCRC-32K (reversed Koopman polynomial) - 0xEB31D82EInput data - 0x31, 0...