Resolved! How to remap from flash bank 1 to 2.
I'm setting the FM_MODE bit in SYSCFG.MEMRMP and I get a hardware fault indicating attempted switch to invalid state.
I'm setting the FM_MODE bit in SYSCFG.MEMRMP and I get a hardware fault indicating attempted switch to invalid state.
Hello everyone!I would like to know what requirements are needed to work with sensors in a STM32 core F401RE using I2C Interrupts, and if that is possible.Thanks.I was searching in Internet but I don't find nothing.
Hello,I found this issue that seems that I still can't find the reason.I am using a STM32F750N8H6 (7BA3Z 9R 1), BGA package on a custom 6 layer board.I manufactured 11 boards, and within those 11, 8 of them the HSI seems to be at 18Mhz although the H...
I am using STM32F746G discovery board.~~~void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) { HAL_UART_Receive_IT (&huart6, Rx_buff, USART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE); HAL_Delay(500); HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart6, &Rx_buff, USART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE, 1000);}~...
When I use the 51 kernels, if I encounter too many defined variables, especially when there are more arrays, I can use xdata,idata to define variables, but I don't know if I can use them with STM32?
I'm new to STM32. I want to learn the architecture of STM32 using assembly language. but Keil microVision MDK-ARM is not Linux compatible. What is the alternative of Keil to write an assembly code for STM32.
Hello,I've spent quite a bit of time scratching my head and I would appreciate any guidance in this matter.I am using Segger's Embedded Studio with Segger's RTT printf library. Everything works fine with the Segger_RTT_printf() output. I can see the ...
Hi, I've configured the triple ADCs in Interleaved mode with DMA writing the ADC data in circular mode 2 on my Stm32f429 Discovery board. What I'm trying to implement is:Initialize DMA and ADCsWait for an external interruptPause the DMA transferShow ...
Hello,I'm doing some preliminary error budgeting for a piece of ATE that may include an STM32 MCU and was curious what the uncertainty of your public accuracies was? Appreciate it,Bob
As shown in the picture, there are question marks at the file icon. Why is that so? The build icon greyed out as well.