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Forum Posts

STM32L151CB Internal EEPROM bugs out

Hello everyone,For my current project, I am building a logger of sorts. Supposed to aquire data (from the ADC channels) over important time periods : looking for months of logging, with only a couple of notable events per week.I was thining of storin...

MLorr.2 by Associate II
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In powerstep01, voltage mode is more preferable for lower speed while current mode is more suitable for higher speed. Do anyone know what is the reason ?

Hi I am working on stm32f051c8tx in adc part , below is the code I am using, the issue is, there is a variation of 30 millivolt from the multimeter to the voltage read by the controller.

static void MX_ADC_Init(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN ADC_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE END ADC_Init 0 */ ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef sConfig = {0}; /* USER CODE BEGIN ADC_Init 1 */ /* USER CODE END ADC_Init 1 */ /** Configure the global features of the ADC (Clock, ...

NJP.1 by Associate III
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STM32 STLINK Detect problem

HelloI am using stm32f072c8t6 in my project but stlink does not connect stm32 somehowHow can I detect the fault?boot pin > 10k > GNDNRST pin>10k 3.3v

Operi.1 by Associate II
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ST Visual Programmer Warnig(The device is protected)

When I tried to write a file to STM32F103RCT6, it could not be written.STVP displays this as a "device protected" warning.The IC was purchased from a trading company and is not written to the cash register.We inspected nearly 70, but not the other bo...

YBAN.1 by Associate
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I am trying to find any information about what the values I would read using Differential inputs from ADC's on STM32F303. IS there Documents about Differential input (what the output would be)?

I am using STM32F303REx to measure Voltage and Current from ADC (differential Input). Is there -+ values around 0 or are they offset around 4096/2 Offset that must be subtracted to get a signed value? Is there any documentation or Examples?

DWise.1 by Associate II
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Nucleo-L412 Programming Error

Hi. I have Nucleo-L412 programming error with Keil. I can program Nucleo F401, F411 and F407 discovery board without error. But I can not load the program to the L412 board. I had had "No ST Link Detected error" but then I solved this problem on Keil...

MÇeli.2 by Associate II
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