Do you've any idea for STM32F410RBT6 ic availablity?
Do you've any idea for STM32F410RBT6 ic availablity? because we are suffer to get the IC's
Do you've any idea for STM32F410RBT6 ic availablity? because we are suffer to get the IC's
I actually wrote a CAN routine to send commands from STM32MCU to some ECUs, all of which are connected to a single Bus. I noticed that during transmission If I temporarily remove the STM32 MCU from the CAN bus and put it back into the bus. It won't s...
I am new to STM32. I am porting my code from ATMega128 to STM32 for faster thru put . I have to connect W5500 to STM32F103 on SPI2. To test my understanding of SPI on STM32 after compiling , a small test code in while loop. SPI_Write(S0_CR,CR_CLOSE)...
Hello,In my project, when ever I use a scroll wheel widget, visual studio is giving build errors in base files. Can anyone please state a possible reason?
Hi,I followed the example for DFSDM found in DM00380469_ENV1.pdf and setup the channels as specified (channel 0/1 -> input from ch1 and internal clock). Cube MX also creates 2 pins , CLK and DATAIN1.STM32F413 MCUIt seems that I cant get any data comi...
Part is STM32L4Q5CGIf configured to use PA11 and PA12 on AF 9 works as described in programming reference. When changing pins used to PB8 and PB9 CAN cannot be used and never leaves reset. On my custom board I have PA11 and PA12 in use by USB so I ca...
Hello everyone. Today I ran into an interesting and at the same time unpleasant problem. The same program is loaded into two identical microcontrollers, but the result of the work is completely different. The screenshot shows the data from the UART r...
I stuck with ADC implementation understanding. Please help me to get this.In STM32L5xx reference manual (RM0438), ADC main features are given as follows (Page no. 685 in RM0438 Rev7)" Up to 2 ADCs which can operate in dual mode:ADC1 is connected to 1...