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I have a board with an STM32U575CGTx on it and I am trying to execute a simple Trust Zone Enabled program.  I have 2 sample projects attached 1.) Trust Zone Disabled, 2.) Trust Zone Enabled.  The project with TZ Disabled runs perfectly, toggling a GP...
I have an STMP157F-EV1 and I have followed the instructions here to download and program the starter package.  Everything works as best I can tell except the remote console hangs just after the initial login messagestm32mp1 login: root (automatic log...
I have a Nucleo G0B1RE board and I am trying to get the FDCan peripheral up and going.  There is no sample application specific to this board so I have copied the initialization from the C1 eval board files.  I am just trying to send classic frames (...
I've attached the ioc and IDE project files. If I add a folder to the FOR-ST-DEBUG_CM7 project (or any of the projects for that matter), the next time I try and generate code from CubeMX, I get an error similar to the one below (the workspace number ...
This is really a CubeMX problem but didn't see a better forum to post to. I am trying to create a bare metal project with CubeMX for the STM32H7. I click File->New Project..., then select STM32H745/755 under the Line drop down on the MCU/MPU Select...
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