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Forum Posts

Selecting a Ferrite Bead for the STM32L011

The documentation mentions placing a ferrite bead between incoming voltage and the chip's VDDA line.  Having limited knowledge of ferrite beads I'm confused as to which bead would work best.  If the DC bias current should be about 20% of the bead's r...

DFU mode for STM32N6

Hello,I'm reading the article on "How to create an STM32N6 FSBL load and run" and have a couple of questions about DFU implementation on the STM32N6:1. Is DFU possible with the application as part of the FSBL?2. Is there an example on how to implemen...

Resolved! faied do uart send with uart5 with stm32h7b0zb

I use cubemx generate a project with uart5. It's ok.But when I move some init codes of uart5 to function ``void SystemInit (void)`` tail as below```MPU_Config();HAL_Init();SystemClock_Config();PeriphCommonClock_Config();MX_UART5_Init();dbg_console_tx...


Resolved! CAN BUS Tx not working in Normal mode

Hello !Hope you're all doing well.I have a little problem here, my CAN BUS Tx is not working on "Normal Mode"I have a bus with several nodes communicating between them without any problem, so the bus itself is not the problemIn "Loopback mode" it wor...

Touftoufe by Associate II
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Quick Question.... The Docs say the STM32F767VGT6  has 166 5 V tolerant I/O's I need to put 5V pullups on some of my OUTPUT I/O  !Is the tolerance just for INPUTING ?orWill the Low transistion with a 5V pullup   say   1K   be ok !  

CTerr.1 by Associate II
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Stm32 stopped working after soldering components

 Hi, i hope you're having a great daySo i'm working on a project involving a stm32f4 and multiple other components (an ADC and a amplifier).The stm32 is connected to the ADC via I2S and to the amplifier via I2S and also I2C.I first soldered the stm32...

kubb3 by Associate
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