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Resolved! Comparator Bug Report on STM32G0

I have configured the comparator 2 PB6 on the STM32G071RB Nucleo board. It is configured for rising edge interrupt.  As soon as HAL_COMP_Start is called on the COMP you can see the EXTI rising edge interrupt flag immediately go high. (well not immedi...

Carl_G by Senior
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STM32F417 SPI interrupt timing issue

Hello,We have run into some issues regarding SPI in interrupt mode, especially when building with optimizations turned on. We are running SPI at 21MHz.The situation:We transmit one byte using HAL_SPI_Transmit_IT. This immediately triggers a TXE inter...

Untitled Diagram.drawio.png
Marijn25 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H747IGT6 stuck

Hello.I have designed my own STM32H747IGT6 board.And I created a simple project with STM32CubeIDE to confirm its operation.In this project, CM7 is a program that simply blinks the LED in a while loop. (CM4 is just code generation)  while (1) { ...

STM32CubeMX v6.13 cannot open .ioc file for H56

I recently updated my version of CubeMX from 6.12.1 to 6.13.0. It is now unable to open my .ioc for a specific STM32H563VI project. When I try to migrate, it loads the IOC, then gives an error saying it is "Not a valid ioc file".If I try to continue ...


Resolved! STM32G0 pin interrupt configuration from code not working

I'm using  STM32G030F6 chip.  Try configure on pin PA8 external interrupt. When it make in UI "PInout & Configuration" tab it works as expected. But I want configure it from code. Here example: Added to main.h pin naming  #define FC_ON_Pin GPIO_PIN_8...

Bigdan by Associate II
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