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STM32L476 SRAM2 Parity disable cannot be turned off.

I conducted some test in case the option bytes in the STM32L474 (Nucleo 64 board) are set incorrectly for my application. Note HAL is not used (it's a strict bare metal application since this is a home experiment to reduce power consumption to the ba...

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EGi by Associate III
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external interrupt in stm32f107

#include "stm32f10x.h" #include "interrupt.h" void intr_config() { RCC -> APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_IOPAEN; RCC -> APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_IOPBEN; RCC -> APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_IOPDEN; RCC -> APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_AFIOEN; GPIOA ->CRH |= GPIO_CRH_MODE...

STM32H723VET6 Ethernet doesnt work

As the subject states I am trying to get Ethernet work on the VET6 Microcontroller. I have tried to configure my microcontroller like the Ethernet example project provided on Github for the STM32H723GT. I have tried the exact code on the H723GT Nucle...

EH by Associate
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Failed to execute MI Command

Hi,I  have made my own board using STM32F103RBT. I am trying to run a demo code on it using ST Link V2. When I first connected the board  I was able to connect to the controller after downloading ST Link Server 2.1.1 and dump a code, but when I am tr...

ssalvi by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32U5Ax USB CoreReset timeout

Hi,I am stuck on this issue on the STM32U5A9J-DK. I have ported the USB part from a H725 i have running. Where i have copied the init code from generated code.In USB_CoreReset() the USB_OTG_GESTCTL_CSRST bit is never reset and hence a timeout occurs....

MBirk.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! HRTIM has minimum CR values????

After a day of debugging, apparently HRTIM has minimum CR values, this means im not able to trigger any CR event close to the 0% of my scale, in my case this translates to a discontinuity in the lower end of my phase shift control. Is there any way a...

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Javier1 by Principal
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MDMA Transfer

Hello and good year everyone,I am trying to follow the architecture below, where I read 1 ADC halfword at 2KHz via SPI. The idea is to trigger the DMA 1 Channel 3 as soon a new data is available in my SPI. It transfers my data from SPI to RAM. As soo...


Pointers on Designing TFT Based System for STM32H750XB

Hello All,               I need to design a board that will carry an IS42S32400F-6BL SRAM ,STM32H750XB MCU,Flash MT25QL512ABB1EW9-0SIT and Couple of support components along with Power supply.My questions-1) MCU Power Supply Protection2) High frequen...

Caan by Associate III
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