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Hi,I see an alias, using DFSDM (sinc3) and a PDM mic at 16kHz, while a speaker produces 1...24kHz.The spectrogram is attached.As I understand, the DFSDM filter has a notch at 16kHz rather than at 8kHz, and attenuates 8kHz for 12dB only.Is it possible...
I have tried to build an example STM32H7Cube project with a command line script (attached) and got that the each CM7 and CM4 project configuration is built twice: the "Release" for CM7 is built twice, then the "Debug" for CM7 is built twice, and then...
Hi,In TouchGFXHAL.cpp, HAL_DSI_EndOfRefreshCallback() contains HAL_Delay(). Meantime it is called from HAL_DSI_IRQHandler(). Can it be avoided?The code is generated with TouchGFX Designer 4.22.0 for STM32H747I-DISCO.The generated file is attached.
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