Missing STM32U0 series in AN4894.
Missing STM32U0 series in table 3 of AN4894 - How to use EEPROM emulation on STM32 MCUs and STM32U3 series is duplicated.
Missing STM32U0 series in table 3 of AN4894 - How to use EEPROM emulation on STM32 MCUs and STM32U3 series is duplicated.
im looking through the STM324x9I_EVAL files and in the stm324x9i_eval.h there is a MACRO "WAKEUP_BUTTON_EXTI_PORT_SOURCE" thats defined as EXTI_PortSourceGPIOA. im wondering where is this defined i cant seem to find the anywhere
im having trouble displaying my own bitmap what converter should i use to convert a bmp file to array to work with this function
Documentation pages won't open! Anyone has that problem? Version v 1.2.0https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stlink-v3-bridge.html#overview
I'm following along AN6000 to bypass the internal SMPS of the STM32N6 and use my own SMPS and LDOs power several of the power rails for the MCU and have some questions:1. In section 3.2 "System power/up/uncontrolled power-down sequence", the document...
Hi community,here my minimal code example: int main(void) { HAL_Init(); SystemClock_Config(); FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef s_eraseinit = {0}; uint32_t pe = 0; s_eraseinit.TypeErase = FLASH_TYPEERASE_PAGES; s_eraseinit.NbPages = 1; ...
I need to save a couple of bytes (a settings struct) to upper (last) page of the Bank1 flash. The settings are changed very rarely so lifetime of the flash is not an issue. The settings struct has a CSC member so when the settings are read from the f...
I need to generate 4 different PWM signals simultaniously, I tried it with STM32F746G-DISCO but the screen of it just goes blank after a bit, I then tried it with Nucleo-144 F767ZI and it sort of worked for 50 kHz and 1 MHz however when going down li...
Hello I am looking at the app note: https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/an4449-buckboost-converter-using-the-stm32f334-discovery-kit-stmicroelectronics.pdfAnd would like to know if this kind of design can be implemented on the STM32G474. ...
Struggling to get my own STM32U5A5 board working... the USB HS PHY was not working, until... (see below).I was confused also with this thread:https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-products/stm32u5-and-usb-hs/td-p/571774This told me actually as well:...