I am getting a strange warning on IDE 1.17 after upgrading that I was not getting before bin/ld.exe: warning: PE-28.elf has a LOAD segment with RWX permissionsI have not modified the Load file at all. It did not show up before, I can go back to the ...
I am supposed to be receiving 8-bit data with even parity. The blocks are defined with a header of 'F0', this is S.Bus data if anyone knows that that is. I setup a simple program that just does receive data. I get data but nowhere does it show an ...
I keep getting text I/O warning for _close, _read, _write, and _lseek even though I am not using any text I/O. I have looked through the properties and cannot find anything. What can I do to get rid of these?
I am having 2 major issues after upgrading STM32CubeIDE. 1) I get 2 error messages about segments having RWX permissions. ld.exe: warning: QCMA00-1_0_0.elf has a LOAD segment with RWX permissionsI saw the release notes about changing the .preinit_arr...
I am a bit confused by the documentation on oversampling and the required trigger rate. I'd like to do 2 conversions a second on 5 channels using 256x oversampling. I have the ADC in continuous mode. I am triggering off TIM3 update. It's not clear...
Thanks for stick with me though this. The data was inverted. I misread the documentation. It's confusing as to what the USART expects. Bit 16 RXINV: RX pin active level inversionThis bit is set and cleared by software.0: RX pin signal works using...
You are correct. I had the pin inverted at first, then re-read the documention, and set it to non-inverted. You try to make sense of this:Bit 16 RXINV: RX pin active level inversionThis bit is set and cleared by software.0: RX pin signal works using...
By the way, here are some of the values I have captured. You can see its repeating, just not the right values. Also, do either of you know if the IDLE bit is set when it's not set to interrupt? It doesn't say. I keep expecting to see an IDLE when...
I have looked at it on the scope. The bit timing seems OK, and I definitely can see the "0F". I thought it would resynchronize with the stream since there is a large gap between blocks (~5ms) of the 25 bytes sent. Maybe that is the next place to ...