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I am getting a strange warning on IDE 1.17 after upgrading that I was not getting before bin/ld.exe: warning: PE-28.elf has a LOAD segment with RWX permissionsI have not modified the Load file at all.  It did not show up before, I can go back to the ...
I am supposed to be receiving 8-bit data with even parity.  The blocks are defined with a header of 'F0', this is S.Bus data if anyone knows that that is.  I setup a simple program that just does receive data.  I get data but nowhere does it show an ...
I keep getting text I/O warning for _close, _read, _write, and _lseek even though I am not using any text I/O.  I have looked through the properties and cannot find anything.  What can I do to get rid of these?
I am having 2 major issues after upgrading STM32CubeIDE. 1) I get 2 error messages about segments having RWX permissions. ld.exe: warning: QCMA00-1_0_0.elf has a LOAD segment with RWX permissionsI saw the release notes about changing the .preinit_arr...
I am a bit confused by the documentation on oversampling and the required trigger rate.  I'd like to do 2 conversions a second on 5 channels using 256x oversampling.  I have the ADC in continuous mode. I am triggering off TIM3 update.  It's not clear...
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