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Forum Posts

Resolved! i2c to communicate two STM32F103C8T6

hello,i am trying i2c to communicate two stm32f103c8t6 . It is not working. logic analyzer output is shown in picture.what can be done for i2c to communicate two stm32f103c8t6 address 0x00

SSaya.1 by Associate II
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Is there a software addon, SDK or examples for the apple MFI program for STM32 available?We are already MFI members.Thanks,Gabriel

GFell.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady timeout w/ eeprom

I've been using a Microchip I2C eeprom in a commercial product that uses an F730 for a bit over a year. I've been using the same code to flash hundreds of units and have never had any issues.I've opened up my project recently and got prompted for an ...

SVezi.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F10x Flash size mismatch

I have a bunch of Blue Pill boards I'm re-animating (ye olde chippe shortage, y'know). Attacking them with stm32flash reports a flash size of 128 kBytes. On the other hand, 0x1FFFF7E0 contains 0x40, indicating 64 kBytes of flash.Now, which of these i...

B-U585: Qualify SSID with space: Not good!

Hello,the B-U585 Demo when asking for the SSID qualifies a name with a spacebar. Problem is, that many SSIDs contain a space by itself, like "FRITZ!Box 7530 ..." or "Galaxy ...". As the application does not echo what is sees, useres are left in the d...