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I am using STM32L031 for my project and since it is battery operated, I am planning to use Low Power Sleep mode for the same. And for that, I need clock below MSI range 1. So I chose to switch to 65kHz clock. But it gets stuck somewhere during clock ...
Hi. I am using STM23L031 for a battery operated product. The expected life cycle is almost 1 year so I need to save battery as much as possible. So I wanted to use Low power sleep mode when not doing anything(I chose this because I need DMA for UART ...
Below is the code of Sequencer function to register task.void UTIL_SEQ_RegTask(UTIL_SEQ_bm_t TaskId_bm, uint32_t Flags, void (*Task)( void )) { UTIL_SEQ_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION();   TaskCb[SEQ_BitPosition(TaskId_bm)] = Task;   UTIL_SEQ_EXIT_CRIT...
Hi. I am working on a battery operated project using STM32L031 microcontroller. I am using 32 MHz clock for normal operation. But if I use same clock in low power mode then it consumes current of about 2.7mA. But for higher battery life, current cons...
I know controllers push data to stack, PC to LR, etc. but how does this happens? Is it through software or hardware?If through software then where is the code which does this? and where does it come from? is it the compiler which adds it?If it is thr...
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