STM32F439 power down GPIO state
When STM32F439 power supply is dropping from 3.3V to 0V what will be state of GPIO which is configured as Mode output pp, pull up and speed_fast whether it will hold to value mentioned in GPIOx_ODR
When STM32F439 power supply is dropping from 3.3V to 0V what will be state of GPIO which is configured as Mode output pp, pull up and speed_fast whether it will hold to value mentioned in GPIOx_ODR
If we initialize the GPIO pin as Mode output pp, pull up and speed_fast using HAL_GPIO_Init() API then what will be the state of the GPIO pin when pin status is not set using HAL_GPIO_WritePin()
I am trying to flash code in my stm32 via SWD interface with a raspberryPi.(swd is bitbanged no stlink used)With my raspberryPi Zero i followed this tutorial, wired the raspy with my stm32f105 together.My openocd.cfg file looks like:source [find inte...
Hi, I have issues while using "FATFS R0.12c" over SDIO on my STM32F407. I do SDIO write to file on main loop, but I also have "TIM2/TIM3/CAN1 RX0/CAN1 RX1" interrupts which has other logic (for example TIM2 sends UART message every 100ms to update th...
When both UARTS are transmitting & receiving, my ADC conversions (via DMA) sometimes do not complete. If I double clock speed (which I do not want to do in the product), the problem goes away. I cannot see any issues in my code that would cause this....
Hi everbody,I am using STM32L476 mcu with WLCSP72 package on my designed board. On this mcu PC5, PC4, PB14, PC13 and PB13 pins are configured as an output-pushpull. The problem is, when the PB13 pin is set from Low to High, each time short-term pulse...
I am using local buffer of large size (60KB). The address assigning to this local variable is of global variable. So my program is not working properly. I had implemented TFTP using LWIP. So how LWIP is utilizing SRAM is not understandable. If anyo...
Hello,So we are building a ball shooting robot which self detects the speed the ball was launched. The average speed is in range of 80mph. To get speed we are using two light gates, one on PF9 and one on PF10. So I set up EXTI interrupts on these two...
Hi,I'm using STM32CubeMx to generate UART initialisation code for STM32H743 controller. I'm able to test UART communication for baud rate 3686400. I'm not able to make UART communication up & running when I changed baud rate to 4000000.Is there other...
Hello,My question is that how many interrupts could be in pending state in STM32F1 MCUs? What would happen when a interrupt is running and in the same time another interrupt with same preempt priority be fired, does the running interrupt finishes and...