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STM32G0 Flash as EEPROM

Hi,I am working on STM32G071RB Nucleo Board and In one of project , I am using same MCU.In that Project , I don't want to use external I2C or SPI memory for saving the data (logs).1) How do I can access Flash as EEPROM ?2) Will this possible with STM...

STM32F303 ADC conversion time

Hi, I am using STM32F3Discovery board for our project at the moment. We need to sample 4 different signals at the same time so we are using all 4 available ADCs in parallel. We are triggering all the ADCs with Timer3 at 100kHz and to make sure the ti...

KHedi.1 by Associate II
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STM32H743 (I/O direction control of SDMMC CMD signal)

I'm thinking of getting STM32H743 to work Wi-Fi module via uSD.However since I can not get my Wi-Fi module responding I start questioning my design.​SDMMC POWER.DIPOL control but can change the polarity of CIDR, D0DIR, D123DIR,Is there a way to chang...

MSugi.1 by Associate II
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STM32F7 resetting during flash operation

I have a project that was working at one point but is no longer working. I think I've narrowed the issue down to a couple of flash operations that happen during setup for Azure IOT. If I let the system run normally it will keep resetting and not run....

EReye.2 by Associate
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stm32f7 as spi slave

Hi. I am trying to work with AD7763. I have the same problem as in this article, but there are no answers in it. AD7763 is master and stm32f7 i...

EP.1 by Associate
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Hello, I am making a CUSTOM HID Keyboard application with the stm32f103 processor, when I add the media keys (volume reduction, increase, etc.) to my project, the function that reads the status of the following leds with event_idx does not work. HELP!

this is leds status code ;static int8_t CUSTOM_HID_OutEvent_FS(uint8_t event_idx, uint8_t state){ /* USER CODE BEGIN 6 */if( (event_idx & 0x01) == 0x01 ){HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA,GPIO_PIN_10, GPIO_PIN_RESET);}else if( (event_idx & 0x01) != 0x01 ){HAL_...

AYılm.1 by Associate II
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