Hello ST community!I'm working with the STM32L152C Discovery board and would like to create a simple USART example. I have developed USART drivers in the past, but this time they are not working with the disco board. It is possible that it has to do ...
HelloI have hex can i return main code from hex file only
I've been trying to get the Virtual COM port from the ST-LINK on a NUCLEO-L4A6ZG working for 2 days now without luck. I've had no problem configuring the UART3 on a NUCLEO-F429ZI to work with the Virtual COM port. Only thing different is that the f...
Dear ST Community,I do have a doubt regarding an I2C communication between my STM32L031K6Tx that is the slave and powered with VDD=3V3 and a host that is powered with 1V8. Pull-up resistors are connected to 1V8 (host side).I did a functional test and...
I am using the STM32F407Zg MCU and is learning how to set up the ADC for continuous sampling by timer. But I have trouble to understand the manual. The ADC section refer to TIM1_CH1 or TIM1_CC1 etc. But the Timer section do not use the same term.
Hi,I am using STM32F107VCT6 MCU and i need to measure voltage at GPIO PB11.But there is no any ADC channel connected to this GPIO but i see that this GPIO cab be used as ADC1_EXTI11/ADC2_EXTI11.So with this Alternate function of GPIO can we measure v...
I have an STM32L476 Nucleo-64 development board and I wish to do USB-development (simple Virtual Com Port) completely unrelated to the USB-connector that the ST-LINK Utility communicates via. I understand I need to connect ground, USB_OTG_FS_DP (PA12...