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Hello there,I am having issue debugging/ programming via STM32 Cube IDE with the J-Link probe (USB) connected to a remote host (TCP connection).  Whenever I am trying to debug/ program, the STM32 Cube IDE hangs for a while and eventually shows an err...
Hello,We are currently developing a device based on STM32L0 MCU. We would like to implement a USB device functionality in it. The problem we have is that we don't know what USB VID and PID to set for it, since we don't want to buy our own, since this...
Hello,I have read the RM0091 and some posts on the forums, i.e.: all that, I am still unable to understand what is the USB_NOE functionality ...
Hello,We are currently evaluating the STM32L073 series in terms of the possibility to configure the USB device as either:3x interfaces, all serial (COM) ports.3x interfaces, 2x serial (COM) port and 1x mass storage device.In the STM32 studio I have n...
Hello,I am using the STM32L071 with the latest STM32 studio software. I cannot find any sign of the VREFBUF configuration in the libraries (I need to enable the internal voltage reference for the COMP1 peripheral). I have found this article for H7 de...