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STM32L4Rxxx OctoSPI with PSRAM

Dear All,In "RM0432 Reference manual STM32L4+ Series advanced Arm ® -based 32-bit MCUs" in chapter "19.3 OCTOSPI implementation" and table "Table 119. OCTOSPI implementation" there are some differences in supported features between families. All fami...

Resolved! INVPC occurs when SVC Handler returns

I use STM32F1 Value Line Discovery Kit.​I want to write SVC handler.If I implement the following, invpc occurs when running 「POP PC�?in Line 38.Caller -------------------------------- __asm volatile(" SVC %0 \n" : : "I" (2)); ...

Myasu.1 by Senior
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STM32F103C8T6 sending data over I2C via DMA

Greetings!I have "blue pil" stm32f103c8t6 and I want to send data over I2C via DMA. "Classic" way is working fine (I'm sending data to 2004 display through PCF8574 extender), but I can't get it working with DMA.BTF flag isn't set and the loop becomes...

STM32G474 CAN FD no priorization of CAN IDs?

I have multiple CAN FD Participant which are configured the same way:if (canFdMode == canFdModes_2mbit) { hfdcan1.Instance = FDCAN1; hfdcan1.Init.ClockDivider = FDCAN_CLOCK_DIV1; hfdcan1.Init.FrameFormat = FDCAN_FRAME_FD_BRS; hfdcan1.Init.Mod...

ATrug.1 by Associate II
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32F417 ADC conversion time - figures don't make sense

Hi All,I am using the simplest mode, single conv, software start, etc. 21MHz clock (/2 divisor).I have been measuring the conversion times both in a loop and with a scope on a waggled GPIO pin.With a sampling interval of 3,56,480 I see conversion tim...

PHolt.1 by Senior III
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Questions about ST's BFB workaround on STM32L072

I'm working on a STM32L072, and I want to implement an update over the air. I saw there is an errata about the dual bank boot, and ST has made a workaround on it, and it uses the EEPROM.Code from the errata sheet:void SystemInit(void) { /* ...

Ppeyr.1 by Associate III
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